Before and After School Program
Site Director: Jessie Matheny 340-2061
Area Manager: Becki Johnson (513)620-2838
Before School Program - Madeira Elementary (K-6)
Offers quiet group and/or individual activities for children from 7:00-9:00 a.m. each morning school is in session. This program is for children of working parents. Simple arts and crafts projects and some gym time are available. Breakfast is included as part of the program.
After School Program - Madeira Elementary (K-6)
Operates from 3:30 pm. to 6 p.m. each day school is in session.
This program is for children of working parents. The students are served a nutritional snack and are able to choose from a variety of activities, including crafts, games, sewing, and outside play. A time for completing homework is also provided. There will be no program at the middle school. Children from MMS will be bussed to MES for the program.
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Custom Change Schedule - How To
Recurring Change Schedule - How To