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We have switched to PaySchools to pay student lunch fees ONLY. All other school fee payments will still be paid through EZPay.

To set up your PaySchools account:
 Go to PaySchools Central.
 Click Register.
 Complete the information on the next few pages.

NOTE: When you get to the "District" questions - scroll down and choose Milford EVSV.
Continue to log in and complete.

If you are unsure of your student’s ID number, please call your child's school office. 

Lunch times:
Kindergarten 11:40-12:10
1st Grade 12:10-12:35
2nd Grade 10:50-11:15

3rd Grade 12:40-1:00
4th Grade 1:20-1:40

5th Grade 11:20-11:40

Lunch Menu Link